Friday, October 30, 2020

The Curly Mustache Podcast: Ep. 60 - Fred & Rose West & Boris & Natasha

Hello listeners! Thanks for checking out episode 60 of The Curly Mustache Podcast! Each week, we take one real-life villain and one fictional villain, discuss their histories, crimes, motives, any connections they may have, and whether they can be redeemed with our trusty bowler hat scale. This week, we talk about a couple of villainous duos, with English serial killing couple Fred and Rosemary West, as well as the Potsylvanian crime duo from Rocky and Bullwinkle, Boris and Natasha. Enjoy!

Friday, October 2, 2020

The Curly Mustache Podcast: Ep. 59 - Richard Kuklinski & Anton Chigurh

Hello listeners! Thanks for checking out the newest episode of The Curly Mustache Podcast. Each episode, we take one real-life villain and one fictional villain, discuss their histories, crimes, motives, any connections they have, and cap off the episode with whether they can be redeemed with our Bowler Hat Scale. This week, we discuss a couple of hitmen/serial killers with Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski, and the the antagonist from Cormac McCarthy's No Country For Old Men, Anton Chigurh. Enjoy!