Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Curly Mustache Podcast: Ep. 11 - Jeffrey Dahmer & Hannibal Lecter

Hey everyone! Welcome to episode 11 of The Curly Mustache Podcast! Each week, Joel and I choose two villains, one real-life and one fictional, and break them down, talk about their histories, their crimes, their connections, and we decide whether they are redeemable or not with our Bowler Hat Scale. This week, we discuss Jeffrey Dahmer & Hannibal Lecter. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Curly Mustache Podcast: Ep. 10 - Blackbeard & Long John Silver

Yarrrrrrg! Hello me mateys, this week on episode 10 of The Curly Mustache Podcast, Captain Joel and I embark on a journey to the Seven Seas and discuss two of the most villainous buccaneer bastards to ever sail the open ocean. That's right scallywags, we're talking about Blackbeard the pirate and Robert Louis Stevenson's Long John Silver. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Curly Mustache Podcast: Ep. 9 - Lady Báthory & Cersei Lannister

Hey everyone! Welcome to episode 9 of The Curly Mustache Podcast! Each week, we take one real-life villain and one fictional villain, and discuss their histories, their crimes, their motives, any connections they may have, and whether they are redeemable with our Bowler Hat Scale. This week, Joel and I talk about some of the baddest women in both reality and fiction, Lady Báthory & Cersei Lannister. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Curly Mustache Podcast: Ep. 8.5 - Interview With Jonathan Phelps (Westboro Baptist Church)

Hey everyone! Unfortunately life has gotten in the way in the last couple of weeks, as it tends to do sometimes, and we were unable to get a new episode recorded for your listening pleasure this week. However, we didn't want to leave you hanging, so we put together a special content release of Joel interviewing Jonathan Phelps, the son of Westboro Baptist Church founder, Fred Phelps.