Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Curly Mustache Podcast: Ep. 19 - Jimmy Savile & Jim Cunningham

Hey everyone! Thanks for tuning in for episode 19 of The Curly Mustache Podcast! Each week, we take one real-life villain and one fictional villain, discuss their histories, crimes, motives, any connections they may have, and whether they are redeemable with our Bowler Hat Scale. This week, by request of one of our listeners, Adam, we talk about British National Treasure turned monster, Jimmy Savile, and we thought a fitting counterpart would would be the scummy motivational speaker from Donnie Darko, Jim Cunningham. Enjoy!

This one was a little rough for us both to get through, but it's important to us to visit the entire spectrum of villains, not just focus on specific crimes. It was a little harder to bring levity to this episode, but when we can't be funny, we strive to bring edutainment. In other news, since adding TCM to multiple other podcast platforms, our subscriber base is growing fast! Remember, the most important thing you can do for us is spread the word, so if you know people that would love the show, tell them! Lastly, thanks for all you do! See you next week!


Check us out along with other great podcasts we listen to:

United Cypher Presents…
Motion Picture Meltdown
 Talks Over Games
 Anime Alphabet
 Fallout Forecast
Music Video Countdown

Check out these other bangers:
The Whiskey Reel
Sean Vs. Wild
Code Yellow: A Scare Actor’s Podcast
Sorry To Waste Your Time

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1 comment:

  1. Great show guys: the saville guy was a scumbag. Admittedly he invented the concept of DJ-ing but that doesn’t make up for his evil predatory activities.
